Posts belonging to Category Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs)

Most Financial Advisers Don’t Understand Alternative Investments According To John Hancock Survey


Given the array of exotic alternative investments being sold to the public, it’s logical that many investors often don’t understand what they are buying. What is even scarier is that it is likely their professional investment adviser doesn’t understand the alternative investment either. Investment advisers ? 75 percent of them ? admit they do not […]

20% of Existing Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) on ‘Death Watch’ List


While exchange traded funds continue to flood the market, a record number of existing ETFs are failing or in trouble. Last year, 308 new exchange traded funds were launched, but almost 90 percent of them were unable to attract the $30 million regarded as a minimum threshold amount for profitability, according to CNNMoney (See “Is […]

ETFs Increase Volatility in the Junk Bond Market


Junk bond exchange traded funds have ten times more money than they did two years ago, and are causing some of the largest price swings ever. Junk bond price swings were seven times higher in November than in May. This volatility in the junk bond market is similar to the volatility seen in other asset […]

Index Funds Can Carry Considerable Risk


Is owning index funds a good idea? It depends on the index, according to personal finance expert John Waggoner (“Funds following odd index? Just say no”). Broad based index funds are a good idea, but new exotic niche funds are not.

Some Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs) Are Morphing Into Monsters


It’s getting crazy out there in ETF land. Leveraged exchange traded funds like Direxion Funds that deliver two times the return of a benchmark are being jacked up to three times the return. Many market observers believe that the highly leveraged exchange traded funds are contributing to the market volatility that is causing investors to […]

Exotic ETFs Become Riskier and Riskier


Thinly sliced niche exchange traded funds provide exposure to arcane parts of the market, but they may not be what investors had in mind when they purchased them. (“Thinner and Thinner: ETF Providers Cut Market Into Ever-Narrower Slices,” Wall Street Journal).

Are Certain ETFs Socially Irresponsible?


Laurence D. Fink, chief executive officer of BlackRock Inc., blasted sellers of synthetic (derivatives-based) exchange traded funds as damaging to the industry, according to InvestmentNews (“BlackRock’s general, Societe Generale in ETF ‘street brawl’”). BlackRock is the world’s largest ETF provider and one of the world’s largest money managers.

High Correlations Among Asset Classes Means There’s No Place To Hide


When world markets move significantly in apparent response to major macroeconomic news, even supposedly “uncorrelated assets” move in unison with them, according to Jason Zweig’s Wall Street Journal article, “Caging Raging Contagion.” Such a significant move occurred last week when the Italian government and bonds collapsed over its fiscal problems, and everything else fell, too.

Investors Flee From Synthetic ETFs


Investors in Europe withdrew $1.9 billion from synthetic (i.e., derivative-based) exchange-traded funds last month, according to Bloomberg (“Synthetic ETFs Lose $1.9B in Europe”). On the other hand, physically backed funds had inflows $3.11 billion.

Risky Investments Flood Self Directed IRAs


As recently reported by InvestmentNews, The Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) and the North American Securities Administrators Association, Inc. (“NASAA”) jointly issued an investor alert warning about risks associated with self-directed IRAs. These IRAs differ from traditional IRAs in that they allow owners to invest their retirement savings in a number of unusual and sometimes […]